Dental Implants Tijuana

Here you will find all the information you need to have your dental implants done in Tijuana, including prices, types of implants available, and travel process.

Dental Implants In Tijuana Mexico

If you have broken teeth or some teeth loss, dental implants are the perfect choice to renew your smile.

At X Dentistry we have an in-house-lab that creates pesonalized crowns for each implant. We work with globally renowes implant brands.

Dental Implants in Mexico Reviews

Hesitating about the quality of our treatments or the credentials of our specialists? Watch some of our patients' testimonials Before and After.

All on 4 Dental Implants Cost Tijuana

Patented treatment that requires only four implants for a dental restoration. Through this procedure you will obtain impeccable and highly stable teeth.

Prices of All on 4 dental implants vary depending on the materials and technologies used, as well as on the patient's general teeth conditions. In any case, if you decide to travel to Mexico, for a dental implants treatment, you may save up to 70% off US prices.

How Much Are Dental Implants In Tijuana Mexico?

Mini Implants

Regular Implants

Zirconia Implants

3 on 6 Dental Implants

When patients are not candidates for All on 4 treatments due to their medical conditions, 3 on 6 implants may be the perfet solution.

This procedure is considered one of the best options for a full mouth restoration. It basically consists of placing 3 zirconia bridges that are supported by 6 implants (two for each bridge).

Snap On Dentures Cost in Tijuana

At X Dentistry, our specialists are real dental artisans. Through a detailed and careful process and using state-of-the-art materials and technologies, we can offer you naturally aesthetic results that will exceed your expectations!

This revolutionary way to attach your dentures onto implants requires no messy pastes nor adhesives to be retained. You will be able to eat, speak and smile freely and comfortable!

Dental Implant Process In Mexico?

This 6 Step Guide Divided in 2 Parts Will Clear You The Patient Travel Concept, And The Treatment Process.

1st Trip: Surgical Phase:

1. Pre - Evaluation And Treatment Explanation

A specialist will evaluate your dental status using X-rays, panoramic photos of your mouth, a 3D CBCT scan and other techniques to provide you with the best treatment options and suggestions.

2. Surgery

Normally surgery is painless, we extract your teeth and then use the Navident system to place the implants needed. If Navident is not necessary, we use a surgical guide instead.

3. Post - Evaluation And Next Appointment

The days following your surgery are recovery days. During this painless period you will be recommended a bland diet and rest. We will make an appointment to see you again 4 to 6 months later, depending on your treatment.

2nd Trip: Restorative Phase

4. Healing Evaluation

When you come back, the specialists will verify that everything went like expected. If so, we will ask you to come back the following day (or sometimes even the same day) to begin the fifth step.

5. Mouth Restoration

After evaluation, the specialist will un-cover the gum to expose the implants. During this step, crowns, bridges and/or dentures are placed depending on your case.

6. Rest, Test And Enjoy Your Smile!

Put your brand new mouth to the test! If you feel uncomfortable when chewing, please contact us. We will give your teeth the adjustments needed. When everything is ok, you will be ready to go!

Zirconia Implants Tijuana

At X Dentistry, our specialists are real dental artisans. Through a detailed and careful process and using state-of-the-art materials and technologies.

Get ready to show off an impeccable and renewed smile that will improve your ability to eat, speak and socialize. Feel self-confident and increase your self-esteem thanks to our implants and mini dental implants in Tijuana Mexico!

Implant Art Tijuana

Enjoy the same quality than in the United Stats, inexpensive prices, state-of-the-art technology, a fully bilingual crew and even transportation from the border to our clinic.

Guided Surgeries, Latest Technology In Implants

DENTAL GPS SOFTWARE: Dental GPS revolutionarily simulates the result of a future treatment. Dentists start with a simple photo and then are able to create the perfect smile in less than an hour.

NAVIDENT ENDODONTICS: Groundbreaking, computer-aided system that offers dental surgeons an accurate, easy to use way to plan restorations and implant placement.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

These are some common questions our patients aske about the dental implants process. Here we explain you what to do and what to avoid before and after your surgery to provide you with a better experience. If you have any other doubts, please feel free to contact us.

How Much Time Am I Going To Stay In Tijuana

The surgery itself takes around 2.5 hours per arch, but six months later patients need to come back for the definitive prosthesis. The entire process consists of two 7 to 14 day trips.

Not To Do Before And Post Operation

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Suspend any anti-inflammatories, anti-coagulants, and vitamin E supplements. Eat plenty of fresh pineapple and a multivitamin tablet (even if it contains vitamin E.)

Diet Recomendation

A soft diet is recommended. Get protein supplements like Ensure or Boost as well as broths, soups, gelatin, yogurt, eggs, fish, mashed potatoes, ice cream, juices, and well-cooked pasta.

Prescriptions And Medication

You can minimize swelling by applying ice packs on the outside area of the face for periods of 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. For pain, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory is recommended (if you are not allergic). The specialist will give you strict recommendations and prescriptions.

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