The Best Dental Clinic
in Tijuana

Here you will find all the information about our Clinic, doctors, equipment and more.


What is
X Dentistry?

The main advantage of our clinic is the closeness of its
location from the border, meaning that you won’t have to
go deep into the city if you are wondering about safety and
the New City Medical Plaza where X Dentistry is located,
features the only 5-stars hotel and Spa in the city, culinary
options and the best retail stores along with our state-of-
the art clinic.

All this plus the up to 70% reduced prices will make your
crossing over worthwhile; we know you are already smiling
and excited to come over!

Get Your Hollywood Smile Here in X Dentistry


    Special Comfort in
    All our Facilities

    X Dentistry Tijuana has been recognized as one of the best
    dental clinics in this side of the border and we pride
    ourselves of equally providing the state-of-the-art
    technology and quality in materials as in the United States
    and Canada.

    One absolute advantage of our clinic besides the location is
    that we run our own in-house laboratory which allows us to
    reduce the time interval for awaiting results and
    proceeding with your dental treatment planning.


    Hygiene Protocols in
    All Our Clinic

    At X Dentistry Tijuana, you are our priority. We work under
    the CDC’s guidance to provide a safe, secure atmosphere
    with the accepted sterilization protocols for the equipment
    and general area’s disinfection.

    To add up to the protocols utilized, we also have an
    autoclave set of equipment for after the antibacterial
    sterilization of the instruments, which uses saturated
    pressure steam to disinfect furthermore before placing it all
    in a UV disinfection cabinet.


    3D CBCT
    Panoramic X-RAY

    This equipment will create a 3D image of a craniofacial
    structure (head) in order to learn the patient’s bone quality,
    soft tissues, pathways and everything our specialists need
    to take into consideration to successfully plan the specific
    dental treatment.

    This is the first step onto you new smile!


    Dental Technology
    in Tijuana


    Vital equipment that assits our specialists during procedures
    such as, endodontics, implantology, and restorations, as well
    as to get in full maintenance to you dental structure.


    This tehcnology allows us to have a digital impression of your
    jawbone with exceptional sharpness without compromising
    the hygiene of our patients.


    This laser works to cut hard and soft tissues quicker, smoother,
    reduced risk of cross contamination, less bleeding, conserve
    more of your hard and soft tissues.


    Quartz Hotel &
    Spa benefit

    Quartz Hotel & Spa is located a few steps away from X
    Dentistry, it is the only five stars hotel in Tijuana and it is
    yet another advantage of having your dental treatment
    with us along with the mall that the NewCity Medical Plaza
    is attached to; the renewal and relaxation experience you

    X Dentistry patients have a special rate at Quartz Hotel &
    Spa, so you can benefit from being within walking distance
    to receive your dental treatment. Remember that you have
    free transportation service to and from all of your
    appointments (in case you do not stay at Quartz Hotel).


    Contact US

    Our Dental Advisors will accompany you in the dental transformation process.
    They are ready to answer all your questions.

    NewCity Medical Plaza #1201 Ave, Paseo del Centenario 9580
    Defensores de Baja California, 22010 Tijuana, B.C.
    Toll Free Only From US: +1 888 687 4322
    Toll Free Only From Canada: +1 888 738 3976
    Toll Free Only From Mexico: +52 664 616 4303
    Monday to Sunday: 10:00 a 18:00 hrs.
